
Use a Configuration definition to configure Modulo at the global level, or extend Modulo's functionality with JavaScript.

For example, suppose you wanted to configure Modulo to allow Components and Libraries to be defined "loose" within the head of an HTML document, along with the Modulo definition. Here is an example of setting the modulo.config.domloader.topLevelTags configuration attribute to do so:

<Configuration'["component", "library", "modulo"]' ></Configuration>

Configuration can also be used as a script tag for more fine-grained control. This will only be run once, within an isolated context, so temporary variables are discarded.

<script Configuration> modulo.config.domloader.topLevelTags.push("library"); modulo.config.domloader.topLevelTags.push("component"); var myVar = "stuff"; // Note: not global </script>

Configuration's use as a Script tag becomes useful for integrating third party libraries, as a sort of simple module and adapter system. Examine the following for a complete example of registering the "snarkdown" module from NPM as a templateFilter, allowing it to be used by components as a filter in the HTML Templates:

<script Configuration -src=""> modulo.register("templateFilter", snarkdown); </script> <Component name="HelloWorld"> <Template> <textarea [state.bind] name="text"></textarea> <div>{{ state.text|snarkdown|safe }}</div> </Template> <State text="Hello *markdown* _world_" ></State> <Style>:host { display: flex; }</Style> </Component>

Integrating analytics

If you have some custom analytics script to integrate, it can be done this way. Examine the following snippet that was taken from the Fathom Lite mini-analytics software:

<!-- Setup Fathom --> <script Configuration> function setupFathom(code) { const host =; // Check common things we skip -- ensure doesn't trigger during builds if (host.startsWith('localhost') || host.includes('.local') || host.startsWith('127') || host.startsWith('192') || host.startsWith('dev--')) { return; } (function(f, a, t, h, o, m){ a[h]=a[h]||function(){ (a[h].q=a[h].q||[]).push(arguments) }; o=f.createElement('script'), m=f.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; o.async=1; o.src=t;'fathom-script'; m.parentNode.insertBefore(o,m) })(document, window, '//ZZ.XXXXXXXX.YYY/tracker.js', 'fathom'); fathom('set', 'siteId', code); fathom('trackPageview'); } setupFathom('XXXXX'); </script>

(Note that ZZ.XXXXXXXX.YYY would be replaced with a real domain)