14 new tutorials

Welcome to a Summer of Modulo improvements! Huge updates are just around the corner, bringing new definitions, new features, and even a few deprecations. All of these features are intended to bring Modulo closer to it's first release no-longer labeled "alpha": Version 0.1.0.

However, you'll have to wait for those features, since I haven't released a new version of Modulo just yet. These last few months I have instead written loads of new, mini-tutorials. Each tutorial teaches how to make a different type of component, or use a different feature

Byte-sized tutorials

Tutorials range between 3 minutes and 10 minutes, but all provide an easy component to copy and paste in the end. Ultimately, the goal is not only to give you a component, but to teach you the underlying reasoning behind building each feature.


While I try to keep things a little "fun", the rest of the documentation is pretty dang serious. documentation. However, for these tutorials, I wanted something more accessible, interesting, and hopefully not-too-bording. Each tutorial is pretty "flashy": This makes them ideal for learning, even if

Most of the tutorials are very visual and focus on learning design techniques, or how to build design tools. Some even integrate fun APIs, like a Pokemon API.

Get learning!

Go ahead and get started on the new tutorial series on the EXAMPLES page.